10月29日(木) 16:25-17:15
Hall B5-1
DM5 B2B Marketing Gets Attention as it Enters the Transformation Period
Up until now, real events and exhibitions has been essential tactic of B2B marketing to approach to target customers. However, the offline event was canceled due to the impact of COVID-19 in 2020, and also almost all of them have been needed to shift as digital tactic like an online event.
Even after this digital shift, I think we are facing new problems such as deterioration in the quality of data that can be acquired and changes of the target audience’s behavior.
Although B2B marketing enters the transformation period, I think there are many B2B marketer who are worried because there are few opportunities to learn success stories overcoming this situation and response of other companies for this.
In this session which is the only “B2B theme” from ad tech Tokyo 2020, we will discuss the detail of issue facing “now” and discuss action for “the future” as B2B marketing.