10月29日(木) 16:25-17:15 Hall B7-2
CK4 What Contents Would be Supported in the Arena Business such as Sports and Games?
Is it a pinch or an opportunity for the future of the sport to change the values, lifestyles and behaviors of fans because of Corona? Can the sport survive in the face of increasing demand for nest eggs and competition from a variety of entertainment? Or can you merge it with other entertainment to create something new? With other industries changing so much, what can the sport do? What are some of the things that sports and other industries can do in the future to integrate with each other? What do you want DX to be in the future of sports?
Three business leaders who are trying to create new forms of sports in a changing environment have been invited to discuss the future of sports as a content business and their business strategies. This is a must-attend event for those who want to utilize sports content and media for their own business, or who want to build their company or product brand together with sports.
- Koji Ishii Moderator
- mixi.,inc.
- Chief business officer of sports business division
- Kengo Sasada Speaker
- Maketeing Dept. General Manager
- Fumihiko Nakajima Speaker
- Senior Director, Business Development, Future Business Tech Team, CDC
- Miho Eto Speaker
- Tochigi Soccer Club Co.Ltd.,
- Director, Head of Marketing Strategy