adtech tokyo

October 29th - November 6th, 2020

@ Tokyo International Forum+ Online

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Nobutaka Hikiji New
ADK Direct,Inc.
Ad Technology Advertising Brand

Joined Asatsu-DK in 2003. Developed a new direct marketing domain for 17 years at the FUKUOKA and Tokyo head office. In 2015, launched a direct specialized JV "textus" . In 2016, became Director of ADK Dialogue and in 2018, became President and CEO of ADK Direct, a direct specialty company. Lectures such as Kizuna Direct Marketing to New Seniors "and" Proposal Writing Course Speed and Efficiency ". Authored "Direct Marketing with Kizuna Senior Market, 100 Million Yen" and "Techniques for Immediate Release".


Array ( [flag] => [session] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [day] => 10月30日(金) [time_s] => 15:20 [time_e] => 16:10 [no] => NE9 [ssn_ttl] => How to Become a Successful Next Generation EC Platform [flag] => 1 ) ) )


[NE9] How to Become a Successful Next Generation EC Platform


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