- Motoko Imada 5
- Infobahn Group Inc.
- CEO/Founder
Studied History of Art at Sotheby's upon graduation from Doshisha University Faculty of Economics. Motoko launched WIRED Japan in 1994 at Dohosha Publishing, Inc. Since then, she has founded digital agency INFOBAHN Inc. in 1998, online media enterprise Mediagene Inc. in 2008, becoming CEO of the INFOBAHN Group Inc. in 2015, and a Dentsu Institute fellow in 2018-19.
Motoko now oversees 10 online publications, including the business news media for millennials "Business Insider Japan," tech news media "GIZMODO JAPAN" and "Lifehacker Japan." She is also one of the first people to have won the "Web Person" prize at the Web Grand Prix 2013.
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