adtech tokyo

October 29th - November 6th, 2020

@ Tokyo International Forum+ Online

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Tatsuya Eda 2
LINE Corporation
Head of OMO Sales Promotion Business Development Department
Communication Marketing Retail

Joined LINE Corporation in 2014 following a career at an in-store sales promotion agency and a full service advertising agency.

In 2017, Launched a Sales promotion business that is specialized for using LINE as an in-store sales promotion solution. Mr. Eda has served as its head since July 2018.


Array ( [flag] => [session] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [day] => 10月29日(木) [time_s] => 15:20 [time_e] => 16:10 [no] => NE4 [ssn_ttl] => Conditions and Challenges for Accelerating the Digital Shift of Retailers [flag] => 1 ) ) )


[NE4] Conditions and Challenges for Accelerating the Digital Shift of Retailers


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