adtech tokyo

October 29th - November 6th, 2020

@ Tokyo International Forum+ Online

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Mikiko Ito New
Best In Class Producers Inc.
Brand Data Marketing

Joined General Advertising Agency in 2005. Belongs to Planning Department and Digital Marketing Department. Joined Tsunagu in 2012 and joined Best In Class Producers (BICP) in 2016. As a marketing producer / planner, he supports clients' marketing strategies and activities. From 2011, she volunteered in Sumita-cho, Iwate Prefecture to support temporary housing communities, and from 2014 to 2018, worked on the U-support, a general incorporated association. Currently, while working for BICP in Tokyo, she continues to go to Iwate every month as a staff member of U-Support.


Array ( [flag] => [session] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [day] => 10月30日(金) [time_s] => 16:25 [time_e] => 17:15 [no] => NX5 [ssn_ttl] => Can Marketers be the Center when Companies Address Social Issues? [flag] => 1 ) ) )


[NX5] Can Marketers be the Center when Companies Address Social Issues?


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